FL Studio Powerful Uplifting Trance Vol.3
We present you the volume 3 of FL Studio Driving Trance Templates series. This template uses the elements of the current trance and you will learn how an Uplifting Trance track is made.
This template includes powerful basses, aggressive acids, a breakdown with a beautiful guitar and powerful leads that accompany the track well.
This template is my remix for Syntouch pres. Sunsliderz – Underwater (George Crossfield Remix), signed in Butterfly Music.
What do I get?
⦁ Folder with FLP file & samples.
⦁ Demo in mp3.
⦁ Artwork.
⦁ All sections (basslines, leads, FX, drums) are color-coded and named correctly so you know exactly what you are looking at.
⦁ Sounds exactly like the audio demo if you have the plugins listed below
What do I need to open this template?
⦁ FL Studio 11 or up version
⦁ Sylenth1 v3.
⦁ Nexus.
⦁ DVS Guitar (Free).
⦁ Spire 1.1 & up versions.
⦁ Hive 1.1.
⦁ LFOTool.
⦁ GClip (Free).
⦁ CamelCrusher (Free).
⦁ OTT (Free).
⦁ RBass.
⦁ RCompressor.
⦁ Kickstart.
⦁ Classic Delay.
⦁ Classic Compressor.
⦁ Volumen Shaper 3.
⦁ The melodies are copyrighted and are for demonstration only.
⦁ You can use the samples, presets and mixer presets to create a track from scratch, you cannot release this as yours.