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Future Rave V1 For Spire

total cost: $23.59


Future Rave V1 For Spire - it is a new re-creation of Trance, that combines Techno & House together. Newly-made by David Guetta & Morten's this style already burned the hearts of listeners. But of course, it is slightly different, like it's always going by NatLife Sounds.

For getting the real view of how it's all made we added a full FL Studio 20 Template of the demo song.

70 Spire synthesizer presets;
FL Studio Template (Separated By Colours);
Wave Drum Samples;
100% Royalty-Free.

To use presets:
• Reveal Sound Spire synthesizer Version 1.5.10 Or Higher;
To use Template:
• FL Studio 20;
• Invisible Limiter;
• dbGlitch 1.3(Free).

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