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Sean Tyas Spire Vol.1

Author: Sean Tyas
Type: Spire


101 Sounds designed by Sean Tyas for Reveal Sound Spire.

MOST sounds have Mod Macros programming in for the sounds for easy sound tweaks (and many also have notes you can read in the Library view).

101 Spire presets in total;
13 Acidlines;
14 Bass & Bess Seq;
3 Chord-Focused Arps;
2 FX (obviously FX aren't what you really want from me, but I've included 2 sweet ones);
29 Leads;
6 Sequenced Leads;
12 Midbasses;
4 Pads;
8 Plucks;
5 Percussive Elements;
4 Stab-style Sounds.

100% Royalty-Free.

Reveal Sound Spire synthesizer Version 1.5.11 Or Higher.

ALL SOUNDS (Apart from Kick drums, reverb impacts, and crashes) on the demo video are ONLY Spire. There is no layering, EQ, Compression, or external delay or reverb. Everything is directly off the Spire instances, even the occasional hi-hats.

Sean Tyas first bank in some time, he goes and pulls out all the stops in working to bring you something that you can use, dissect, and learn from. Many techniques are covered in the patch bank, and this is really intended for you to first be inspired, and then tweak to your needs.

NOTE: as I have always taught in my workshops, I am merely handing you the keys, the best way to use this bank is to truly make it yours by customizing every sound as you use them.

MANY of the sounds have Arpeggiator on by default, usually just as a sort of "demo" to show you how I would use it, or how it may have been used in Trance history... This is by no means a rule, and I implore you to always change the patterns.

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